Monday – 12/06

The Port


3:00 Lower Body Mobility Flow
Air Squats
Cossack Squats
Down Dog w/ Calf Stretch
Spiderman Rotations

5 Sets of :20 Bike / :20 5 Jump Squats + Rest

Front Squat Prep and Mobility


Front Squat (3 X 6; Across)
We will be building off of this in the coming weeks.

Single-Leg Jumps (3 X 6e)

In between each set of Front Squats, 6 Single-Leg Jumps on each leg to a plate or small box.

Burn Strength

A1: Goblet Squat (3 X 8)
Choose a challenging weight!
A2: Weighted Calf-Raises (3 X 12)
Seated on a bench with a DB resting on each leg, push up onto the toes, hold a second, and control the heels back down.


4 Sets:
30 UB Wall-Balls (20/14)(14/10)
12/10 Cal Bike

Rest 1:30 Between Sets.

Score is Time Each Round.
*Choose a WB weight and Rep # that is going to be challenging for you but doable across all 4 sets.

Meade and Shannan

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