Monday – 3/7

The Port – CrossFit


25/20 Calorie Bike (2:30 CAP)

3 Rounds:
15 Air Squats
15 Light Band Pull-Aparts
:10 Hollow – :10 Superman – :10 Hollow – :10 Superman

2 Rounds:
8 Scap Pull-Ups
6 Kip Swings
4 Strict Pull-Ups or 6 Ring Rows


A1: Bent Over Row (4 X 8E)
Single Arm
A2: GHD Sit-ups (4 x 10)
Or Foot-Anchored Weighted Sit-ups


For Quality:
EMOM X 18:
Min 1: Pulling Movement*
Min 2: 14t Single DB Thrusters (50/35)(35/20)
Min 3: Echo Bike Recovery

R 1+2: 8-10 Pull-Ups
R 3+4: 6-8 C2B
R 5+6: 4-6 Bar MU
Burn sub 8-10 Inverted Barbell Rows, Across.

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