Sunday – 7/4


Normal Schedule today, July 4th, and tomorrow, July 5th. Have a great long weekend!

Nominate The Port – CrossFit Portsmouth for the Best Fitness Center on the Seacoast!

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The Port


2-3:00 Foam Roll

+ 3 Rounds:
150m Row
3 Inchworms with Push-Up Rotation L + Push-Up Rotation R
:30 Up-Dog


A: Bent Over Row (4 X 10e)
B: 3-4 Rounds:
:30 Side Plank L
20 Leg Lift Overs
:30 Side Plank R
10 V-Ups

Rest as needed between rounds.


E 4:00 x 4 Rounds:
500M Row
15 Hand-Release Push-Ups

Sean, Justin, and Chad

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