WOD – Thursday 9/10

3 rounds increasing in intensity and weight
1:00 on bike (:30 hard/:30 easy)
8 deadlifts
8 hang power cleans
8e front rack lunges
8 S2OH

All tracks
3 to 5 rounds
8e weighted step-ups
10 Arnolds press, slow and controlled
12 OH tricep ext.

15 min AMRAP
9 hang power cleans (115/75#)
12t front rack lunges
9 S2OH
1:00 on AB for calories
Rest 1:00 between rounds

15 min AMRAP
9e DB hang power cleans (115/75#)
12t DB lunges
9e DB S2OH
1:00 on AB for calories
Rest 1:00 between rounds

Fathom – moderate length work out
Gear – increasing heart rate through each round
Knots – be smart here. The barbell will really increase the heart rate, not because of weight, but because you will have a huge time under tension. Make sure you can move through them pretty much unbroken. Think about that, 30 reps without putting the bar down. Scale accordingly. Once you get to the bike, think about finding and holding a pace around 80%

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