WOD – Wednesday 9/16

25/20 cals AB
Then 3 rounds
6e half-kneeling DB strict press
6 steps left, banded plank march
12 push-ups
6 steps right, banded plank march

All tracks
A. Strict press – 2/3×5
This means 2 build-up sets that are challenging, then 3 sets of almost a max effort.
*burn and P@YP can sub SA DB strict press with a rep scheme of 4x8e
B1. DB bench press – 1/3×8
B2. Tempo chin-ups – accumulate 20 reps with 3131 tempo

8 min AMRAP
12/10 cals AB
6 burpee box jump overs

Fathom – 8 minutes is a shorter moderate length workout
Gear – all gas, no brakes
Knots – now just because the approach here is slightly faster than other workouts that we have done this week, there is more of a risk to your approach. This workout will not feel like an 8 minute workout in the middle of it, especially if you come out too hot. So even though you need to go a little harder, coming out slow and increasing your intensity might be a good approach if you do not know what to sustain on the bike.
Current – in box fitness

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